All referrals to Lighthouse School come from the school district.
Speak with the Evaluation Team at your child's current school about the needs of your son or daughter and your concerns about his academic and clinical needs. They will work closely with you to identify what will best help your child.
Our students come to us with many different needs and diagnoses and are ages 3-22.
Visits are scheduled for two hours, generally at 10 am or 12:45 pm most days of the week. We want to make sure that we, and you, have the information necessary to make the best decision for your child.
A family needs to receive authorization to visit Lighthouse School from the Special Education Team of their city or town prior to a visit being scheduled, even if a referral is not being made by the school district.
Once a referral visit has been scheduled, you will receive our Pre-Enrollment Application and brochures in the mail, or you will download the application from our website. We encourage you to bring this completed application and your child's up to date medical physical exam, immunization list, and record of last dental visit with you on your visit.
Many parents and guardians like to visit without the student first. More often parents and children come together. If you bring your child, he will have his own tour and informal assessment with a member or two of our Referral Team, and you will also have a chance to tour and share your knowledge with our team.
You communicate your feelings about Lighthouse School with your school district ETL and we are considering the needs of your child and our ability to provide the programs and services to meet those needs, as well as an appropriate and available space in a homeroom. Once the team has made a decision, the school district contact is notified and a discussion about placement and the IEP takes place.
Usually, we can give an answer to the school district within a week after you have submitted all of the application materials. Sometimes we need more materials or medical information from either you or the school district and the process takes longer.
While the average length of stay is a bit more than two years, every student has a different set of needs and your child could stay for a shorter or longer amount of time. Our mission is to help your child develop strengths and strategies to be able to transition to a "less restrictive" setting as soon as possible.
Yes, we do, both in-house and job sites in the greater- Chelmsford community. Helping our students learn about themselves and other people, find out what they are good at, and get the training they need is a large part of our high school curriculum.
Every decision we make at Lighthouse is designed to maximize safety for both our students and our staff. Yet, we at Lighthouse School will service some students with challenging needs socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. On your tour, you will have a chance to see how our team works proactively to resolve conflicts and manage crises as they occur. You need to know that our commitment to your child's safety will not be compromised.
After you sign a release of information form, the school district will send a packet of information to the Supervisor for Enrollment that includes current IEP, recent evaluations and assessments, and other pertinent information.
You can bring a friend, parent, other relative, or an agency support person to your visit. Having another person present can help you remember all you have learned on your visit, add to the information we can learn about your child, and help you be objective in your decision-making.
Transportation is arranged and provided by the school district in which your child resides
You will have a Family Therapist who will visit you in your home to both bring information from school to you and bring information from home to us. You will be able to communicate by email or phone with your Family Therapist with questions and concerns. During the hours of 8:30 and 3:00 pm, your therapist is working with students and we ask you to contact us outside of those hours unless the concern cannot wait.
Four times a year you will receive Progress Reports that address the goals and objectives of his IEP, and you will receive a Report Card with his grades and comments. You will also have a team meeting at least once a year to discuss progress on goals and progress benchmarks.
In addition, you will receive communication from your child's teacher about your child's month and the activities in which students participated.
We welcome visits from you to our school. The connection that we have with you is integral to our treatment with your child. Many parents want to meet the teachers and therapists and perhaps observe a lesson or two. We ask that you schedule these visits with your Family Therapist.
We also have events throughout the year, such as parent lunches, sporting events, holiday parties, and academic award ceremonies that parents are welcome to attend.
25 Wellman Avenue, North Chelmsford MA 01863
P: (978) 251-4050
F: (978) 251-8950