• Graffiti on a wall that says lighthouse on it

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  • A wall of pictures with a sign that says keep safety first

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  • A white wall with a sign that says motivation on it

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  • A wheel with a bunch of questions on it including does a real friend share drugs

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  • A wall with a bunch of posters on it

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  • A blue board with the words the power to choose on it

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  • A painting of a lighthouse and a boat in the ocean.

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Memorable Experiences in Many Modes:

Our Philosophy Amplification Project was developed to animate and amplify the philosophies of Lighthouse School® in a dramatic way.

The project draws attention to the warmth and humanism that is inherent in the interactions between students and staff, within the context of our culture. As a result, all staff, students, and guests of Lighthouse School are immersed in a memorable experience.

This experience emerges out of the mixture of color, form, and innovative ways in which the technologies are expressed and brought to life throughout all parts of our facility.

Above are a few examples of the many stations that can be found throughout the hallways of our school.

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