Some Thoughts from Our Students

A girl with headphones around her neck is holding a red folder

Growing Confidence

“When I started at Lighthouse I was anxious, scared, and worried. My old school was too big and made me feel unsafe. It took me almost a year to trust staff at Lighthouse, but I can trust that staff want what is best for me. Now the staff see that I am funny, kind, and caring. I hope to graduate from Lighthouse because I don’t want to leave here because I like school now.” —-A.L

Believing in me

"I put [staff] through hell and not only did they say every day is a fresh start, they actually meant it. Eventually it showed me that they weren’t going to give up on me and that I might as well try… Lighthouse showed me what the expectations were, what work I had to do, but then gave me the space to do things at my own pace. Because of that, I was able to do things because I wanted to do them, not because other people made me do it, and for me that makes all the difference.” - S.J

Trust and Family

"I have Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD. I had been to other schools and was in DCF custody for a couple of years before coming to Lighthouse. I observed right away how people treated each other and the kids here. I wasn’t ready for that. I had a hard time trusting people and didn’t open up much. My emotions would build up and then I would yell and scream. Slowly, I began letting my emotions out by sharing with people I was starting to trust. I developed a lot of relationships with staff here and they really helped me to trust others. I finally realized that I built a family here at school. People accepted me for who I am and loved me. 

Thank you, Lighthouse, for everything." —D.B

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